Dana Bubulj: Sculpture, Film, Shadows, Art

Their work, words and wonder

Month: Apr, 2012

Feet in the Sky (status update)

feet in a playground

Playground: lounging in the air

Just a quick status update to say things are happening. Experimenting with multiple screens and simultaneous narratives. Will update soon, particularly with a post about London that I’ve been planning.

Night Owls and Music Halls

Oh I do seem to work best when the world is silent ‘cept for skitters and the odd animal yowl. It’s at that time that my brain lets loose the energy it needed distractions to help build up, like going into gear from an enforced neutral.

Today I am going to make a quiet film: using the story as narrative over waves and footage I shot in Leigh. I was thinking about Derek Jarman’s Blue the other day and want to see if that would work for something less contemplative and with dialogue.

If all else fails, it might just turn into a narration from Bagpuss.

On Saturday I was at Wilton’s Music Hall for the Hammer and Tongue Poetry Slam Final (will link to review once it’s up). The building is beautiful, all the more so for its unassuming façade hidden away in a back alley off Whitechapel. It’s the oldest music hall in the world, apparently, and the last functioning one. I’d like to see other events there and bask in the life the place has yet.

Fabulous columns

Wilton's Music Hall, taken from the side of the main hall, facing away from the stage.